Monday, October 31, 2005  

End o' Month Update


Happy to report that the first draft of Summon the Thunder has been delivered. Woo-Hoo!

With that in mind...another month, another monthly update:

I also transcribed a "true" story for Penthouse Letters. The stuff they print is all based on actual events, you know.


Wit and Wisdom from Burger King

Read from the wrapper containing my chicken sandwich:

ORIGINAL CHICKEN SANDWICH: You know what they say. Originals order originals. And you're proof. They broke the mold when they made you, didn't they? Oh yeah.

Read from the carton holding my fries:

BAGGLERS: Some fries are mavericks. Free spirits that slip over the cardboard wall and make straight for the bottom of the bag, where they can then plan their next move. We call these spud separatists "Bagglers," and they're especially delicious. Maybe it's because they're a little out of bounds. Life can be weird like that.

Read from the side of my large cup of Dr. Pepper:

HAVE IT YOUR WAY: This cup makes a statement about you. It says "Hey, look at me, I'm an ambitious yet responsible person." You could have gone larger, but you didn't. You could have gone smaller, but again, you deferred. No, you know exactly what you want in life, nothing more, nothing less. It's good when you have things your way.


Now, I don't know what's worse: The fact that BK has started with this New Age, Feel-Good, Zen Master-on-Grass sort of warm fuzzy infliction upon the masses, or the fact that I actually felt good after reading it.

I need a lunch partner or, at the very least, an option to drink beer.

Sunday, October 30, 2005  

Summon the Thunder 1st Draft; Bucs Choke

Happy to report that the first draft of Summon the Thunder is complete. Kevin and I are reading through it now, fixing and tweaking this or that. As it stands now, here's where we ended up:

Vanguard: Summon the Thunder wordcount
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
133,820 / 120,000

While we know the editor will have changes/corrections/etc. and that it still has to go through the approval process, it's a pretty damned decent first draft, if I do say so myself. I also don't mind saying that this book has been one of the most challenging writing projects I've ever tackled.

The manuscript's due to Pocket on November 1st, and unless something freakish happens, we're set to deliver on time. Go, us!

In other news, Bucs 10 - 49ers 15. How pathetic is that?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005  

Money talks, yo.

Nabbed from Keith DeCandido's blog:

My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?

Ouch. Looks like the wife was right.

Saturday, October 22, 2005  

No Harm; No Foul.

Well, I learned today that the KC Screenwriters have announced the winners of their 4th annual Short Screenplay Competition. My pithy entry didn't make the grade -- and I have no doubt it was outshined by the more-qualified screenwriters whose scripts were picked -- so I guess I'll have to kick Kevin's ass for even suggesting I enter in the first place.

Nah, not really. It was fun to enter, and got my creative juices flowing in a slightly different direction for a couple of days. As for what becomes of the script...damn if I know. It's still a skit at heart - maybe we'll do a reading or something at some future con.

Ah, well. Back to work. Still have a bit of thunder to summon, after all.

Sunday, October 16, 2005  

Closing in on the finish line; Bucs win again!

Today's progress report:

Vanguard: Summon the Thunder word count
Zokutou word meter
65,098 / 60,000

As you can see, I've exceeded my goal of 60,000 words, and I still have a couple of scenes left to write. Go me!

In other news: Bucs 27 - Dolphins 13.

The Great Hope that is Ricky Williams finally decided to grace the NFL with his presence, and the Bucs helped him celebrate that momentous occasion by limiting him to eight yards rushing on five attempts.

Welcome back, Mr. Williams.

So, the Bucs are 5-1 going into their bye week. I'll take it!

Sunday, October 09, 2005  

Summoning Thunder; Bucs blow it.

Today's progress report:

Vanguard: Summon the Thunder word count
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
56,384 / 60,000

I'm gonna leave the meter set at 60,000, just to see how far I blow past it in this first draft. On the other hand, it doesn't appear that Kevin's portion will quite make 60,000, so we'll probably still hit in or around our projected word count of 120,000.

The contract stipulates 100,000 words or more,'re welcome.

In other news: Bucs 12 - Jets 14.

Twelve lousy points. Crappy offense, poor clock and time-out management. They could have won it if they'd had a time out at the end, but instead could only stand by helpless, well within field goal range, and watch the final seconds of the game tick away.

But it shouldn't have been that close to begin with.

So, we lost to Vinny Frappin' Testaverde. And the Jets.


Friday, October 07, 2005  

Headin' back to press!

Found out today from Pocket Books Star Trek editor Marco Palmieri that A Time to Sow is going back for a fourth printing. Sweet!

Along for the ride are:

Yay everybody!

Thursday, October 06, 2005  

Titan Winner Selected.

In other Trek book news, the contest to submit a design for the ship depicted in the new Star Trek: Titan series of books was won by Sean Tourangeau of Colorado Springs, Colorado. According to the announcement, "Sean's combined score was highest in the categories of originality, execution, consistency with the U.S.S. Titan Concept Notes, and consistency with Star Trek's established Starfleet style."

You can check out Sean's design at the Pocket Books website.

Congrats to Sean!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005  

Podcasts are fun.

Call me the newest podcast geek.

While watching the new Battlestar Galactica Season 1 DVD set, I've taken to downloading and listening to the podcasts recorded by executive producer Ron Moore (he of Trek TNG and DS9 fame). Having had fun with those, I went ahead and downloaded the podcasts for Season 2. Listening to the comments of the man behind BSG's rebirth and the guiding hand of the series is quite illuminating, and fun to boot.

I've also listened to podcasts created for certain episodes of Enterprise, namely both parts of "In A Mirror, Darkly." As with the BSG recordigs, hearing writer Mike Sussman talk about the genesis of the episodes is both entertaining and enlightening.

The damn things are addictive. I hope Moore continues with the BSG podcasts, and that Tim Gaskill and the gang over at might consider expanding their commentary offerings.

I'm up for yakking about the Original Series, Tim, if you need a talking head with a tendency toward scatological humor. Call me, bro!

Sunday, October 02, 2005  

Today's update; Bucs 4-0!

Wow, two consecutive days of progress. I think I might have been replaced by a pod.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
51,433 / 60,000

Oh, and by the way: That "60,000" mark? Yeah, well, it's gonna be more. Trust me.

In other yet equally important news, Bucs 17 - Lions 13. I don't understand the current fetish with my boyz being able to score only 17 points a game, but so long as it's more than the other team, I really don't care. 4-0! Woo-HOO!


Saturday, October 01, 2005  

Summoning thunder; I feel old.

First, today's progress update:

Vanguard: Summon the Thunder word count
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
47,307 / 60,000

In other news, check this out: If I'd stayed in the Marine Corps, today would have marked by 20th anniversary. Twenty years ago tonight, I stepped off the bus and onto the infamous yellow footprints of Parris Island, South Carolina. Barring various factors, I would have been eligible for retirement from military service beginning today.

Man, do I feel old.


I got a TiVo; SNW 9 contest closed!

The TiVo comes with the abilty to record up to 140 hours of crap, be it stuff from TV or stuff I transfer from my cache of prized LaserDisc material that'll probably never be released on DVD (original Star Wars movies, both previous versions of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, etc.), and it's got a built-in DVD burner.

I may never leave the house or see daylight again.

Elswehere, it's October 1st again, which means that this year's Star Trek: Strange New Worlds writing contest has come to a close. Editor Dean Wesley Smith will shortly begin sifting through the thousands of entries he's received in search of the twenty or so stories which will comprise next summer's Strange New Worlds 9 anthology.

Maybe of those stories will be yours? Here's hoping!


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