Monday, June 14, 2004  

A Show of Hands...

Okay, where are the Rush fans?

I've been a Rush convert since early 1989 when my then roommate intro'd me to his own obsession. A Show of Hands was the CD he was listening to on that fateful day.

Since that time, my wife and I have never missed a concert whenever they come to our neck of the woods. That included last night, with the band's Kansas City stop on their 30th anniversary tour. Three hours of music! Is it me, or do the shows actually get longer with each tour? You have to love a band that can strike a balance between showcasing their newer material, pumping up the crowd with traditional favorites, and then -- just for kicks -- reach back into its backlist of songs and pull out stuff that they haven't played live for twenty years just because they decide it's the cool thing to do.

And hey, if I can muster half the energy that Neil Peart has during that drum solo when I reach his age, that'd be okay, too.

So you're the one responsible for the Rush reference in "Field Expediency" (Tales of the Dominion War, which I just picked up). Thanks for that!( Syrinx III, old temples, I'm still chuckling) Of course I guess I'll have to read more of your work now to see if more pop up! Maybe Stevens or Duffy owns a Red Barchetta?

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