Sunday, December 26, 2004  

Post-Christmas Whining.

Bucs Website

There's nothing like flying through holiday hell from Kansas City to Tampa so that I can spend Christmas with my family, to say nothing of heading out with my dad to see the last Bucs home game of the season. The warmth of the family gathering was fun, to be sure -- my 16-month old niece is running all over the place and being just the cutest little bug in a rug -- but come on...I was ready for the game! How often do I get to see my beloved Bucs live and in person? Additionally, the game was highlighted by the fact that a win just might keep the dim glimmer of playoff hopes alive. What's not to love?

I guess my name not only was on Santa's naughty list, but must have also been highlighted and had a few asterisks marked in the margins.

Naturally, the football gods did their thing on me -- stomping out the Bucs' last feeble hopes of playoff contention even before the opening kick off, thanks to happenings elsewhere around the league.

And then, just to make sure that all my remaining Wheaties got peed on, the Bucs go ahead and lose the game anyway.

Ah, well. Once more I offer the time-tested battle cry of the hardcore Bucs fan: "There's always next year!"

Hi Dayton. Best of luck to you and Kevin in the new year. I feel I know half of both of you very well.
All the best-
Ward Dilmore, Dilmore Music USA, Dilmore Lane, Hampton Falls, NH 03844

Thanks for the kind words! Kevin and I hope to be an even greater nuisance in 2005 to good people at Pocket Books and the Star Trek Communicator Magazine (among other places) than we have been in the past. Those people should consider themselves warned....

I live in tampa. I hope you come back sometime soon and maybe do a book signing at a local barnes and noble, borders, or other store. Funny enough last night I picked up the New Frontier anthology from the dale mabry b&n and the first story is the one you wrote, I'm engoying it so far.


PS. I'm glad you have this posting area now!

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