Thursday, July 07, 2005  

Story Update...and Shore Leave!

Awesome news last night. The folks who are creating the new role-playing game love our story, and in addition to posting it on the website as part of the game's promotion, they're also considering including it in the core game book. Very sweet indeed!

We hope to be able to spill more beans about this in the next few days, to include sample artwork and links to the game creator's site. Stay tuned!

Next up on the calendar is our now-annual pilgrimage to Shore Leave, being held as it is every year at the Marriott in Hunt Valley, Maryland. In addition to the Friday night "Meet the Pros" party -- where all us writer types will sign books until we drop -- and various panels in which we'll be participating, Pocket Books Trek editor Marco Palmieri will announce a whole bunch of juicy projects coming down the pike over the next year or so -- including the official announcement about the book Kevin and I are writing for him. FINALLY.

So, hey, if you're attending the con -- hope to see you there!

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