Sunday, July 03, 2005  

Writing updates

Giving myself a well-earned break, as I finally got off my butt and finished my half of a short story I'm writing with Kevin. It's science fiction, but not Trek, and that's pretty much all I can say about it at the moment, other than it's based on a new role-playing game coming down the pike in a few months. If and when the creators of the game sign off on it, the story will be published on their website as part of their promotion for the game.

I guess I can say one more was kickass fun to write.

Now all I have to do is get going on writing for the new Trek novel project, and along the way I'll hopefully write this other short story I've been planning to do for several weeks for a fun-sounding open-call anthology.

Oh, and I guess I should get hot on the revisions for The Genesis Protocol.


Guess the break's over.

My guess is either Shadowrun or Wars. [I'm only commenting so that I have a record of my guess, rather than expecting confirmation or denial. :)]

Allow me to record that your guess is wrong...:D

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