Saturday, September 17, 2005  

Latest happenings.

Put a short story in the mail today. It's to a small local market, but as the story I wrote takes place in a prominent Kansas City landmark, I figure they might at least be interested. I've been doing more and more looking into local and regional small(er) presses of late, and I can't really explain why. I've read several novels and collections of short fiction written by authors from the KC area and/or published by smaller presses in this part of the country this past year, and I feel like I'm missing out on something different, interesting, challenging, and fun.

Guess we'll see how it works out.

In other news, Star Trek: S.C.E. editor Keith R.A. DeCandido dropped some interesting infonuggets late yesterday, about not only the future of the series but also other Trek in e-Book form. He's posted the info in various online venues, but you can check out all the sordid details at his blog.

Knowing what I know about these new developments, all I can say at this early juncture is that I feel warm and tingly all over....

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