Well, another month has come and gone, and here's where I stand on various writing-related endeavors:
- The Genesis Protocol - Final galley changes made earlier in the month. I imagine I'll see a copy some time closer to Christmas. A new cover is supposedly on the way, as well. So far as I know, this is still on track for January publication.
- Summon the Thunder - First-draft manuscript delivered November 1st. Awaiting editor feedback/revision notes.
- Untitled project - Currently writing this with Kevin. Manuscript due January 9th, 2006. Will offer more details when the editor gives the go-ahead.
- S.C.E. #64: Distant Early Warning - Currently writing this with Kevin. Manuscript is due January 15th, 2006.
- Corps of Engineers #1: Turn the Page - Proposal accepted by the editor November 20th (or so). Kevin and I are awaiting licensor approval.
- Untitled Trek project - Proposal accepted by the editor November 22nd. Kevin and I awaiting licensor approval. Manuscript currently has a due date of April 1st, 2006 (no foolin'!).
- Original nonSF short story - Sent to market editor on September 17th. Waiting to see if it's accepted or rejected.
- Original SF short story - Writing this for an open-call anthology. Market doesn't open until January 1st, so I've got a bit of time (shuffling it with the other projects which carry due dates).
- Original short story - Outlined and began writing a bit on this, but there's no market picked out, so no deadline. Other stuff with deadlines are taking priority :)
- Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book II - Proposal still being shopped to publishers.
- Trek novel solo project - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Trek novel project with Kevin - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Tie-in project with Kevin - Working to complete proposal. Expect to have this ready for delivery to editor sometime during the first week in December.
- Two articles for Star Trek Communicator magazine with Kevin - Conducting research and performing other prep work. These are on hold pending word on direction of the magazine.
- Non-fiction/non-genre article (or series of articles) for local/regional magazine or newspaper - Researching material for the article(s), researching best markets to place it.
Seems like a lot, but if you want to see a writing machine, check out the list o' stuff
Keith DeCandido is working on. It'll make your head swim.
In other cool news, I've learned this morning that
Summon the Thunder is now
available for pre-order from Amazon.com. Sweet!