Well, this month's update is the last for 2005. What can I tell ya?
- The Genesis Protocol - Will be published near the end of January '06. My mother is breathless with anticipation.
- Summon the Thunder - Kevin and I returned revised manuscript to the editor on December 12th. Awaiting feedback on revisions.
- Untitled project - Currently writing this with Kevin. Manuscript due January 9th, 2006. Will offer more details when the editor gives the go-ahead.
- S.C.E. #64: Distant Early Warning - Currently writing this with Kevin. Manuscript is due January 15th, 2006.
- Corps of Engineers #1: Turn the Page - Proposal accepted by the editor November 20th (or so). Kevin and I are awaiting licensor approval. Not sure what the manuscript due date will be, but I'm guessing some time around the 1st week of June or so.
- Untitled Trek project - Proposal accepted by the editor November 22nd. Kevin and I awaiting licensor approval. Manuscript currently has a due date of April 1st, 2006 (no foolin'!).
- Original nonSF short story - Sent to market editor on September 17th. Waiting to see if it's accepted or rejected.
- Original SF short story - Writing this for an open-call anthology. First draft is complete, and I'll make an editing pass at it after I finish with the Trek stuff Kevin and I are working on.
- Original short story - Outlined and a partial draft is complete. I've found a market for it, so I've got reason to get it done and out the door. Yee-haw! Other stuff with deadlines still take priority, though :)
- Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book II - Proposal still being shopped to publishers.
- Trek novel solo project - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Trek novel project with Kevin - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Tie-in project with Kevin - Proposal in limbo. No real push to get it done, as there's been no discussion about it with the editor for a while now. Will probably take another look at it in January after we get past our deadlines early in the month.
- Two articles for Star Trek Communicator magazine with Kevin - These are still on hold pending word on direction of the magazine.
- Non-fiction/non-genre article (or series of articles) for local/regional magazine or newspaper - Got some research done on it, but I still need a market. Might have found one...guess I should write a query letter, eh?
As for what 2006 holds - beyond what's listed above, I don't rightly know. Kevin and I are making some inquiries regarding pitches that are already in editors' hands or stuff which at this point is still "in discussion" in the hopes of having something lined up for 2007 publication.
Happy New Year, everybody!