The first update for 2006. What's the happs?
- The Genesis Protocol - Scheduled for publication on or about February 27th.
- Summon the Thunder - Kevin and I returned copyedit revisions to the editor on January 30th. Awaiting feedback.
- Untitled project - Turned first draft of manuscript in to the editor on January 9th. Awaiting editor feedback; will offer more details when the editor gives the go-ahead.
- S.C.E. #64: Distant Early Warning - Turned first draft of manuscript in to editor on January 18th. Heard back from editor Keith DeCandido just this morning that he's cool with it and that he's sending it on to Paramount for approval. Sweet!
- Mere Anarchy: Book 1 - Currently writing this with Kevin. Manuscript due April 1st.
- Corps of Engineers #1: Turn the Page - Proposal accepted by the editor November 20th (or so). Kevin and I are awaiting licensor approval. Not sure what the manuscript due date will be, but I'm guessing some time around the 1st week of June or so.
- Original nonSF short story - Sent to market editor on September 17th. Waiting to see if it's accepted or rejected.
- Original SF short story - For an open-call anthology. Story sent to editor January 23rd. Waiting to see if it's accepted or rejected.
- Original short story - Outlined and a partial draft is complete. I've found a market for it, so I've got reason to get it done and out the door. Yee-haw! Other stuff with deadlines still take priority, though :)
- Original SF short story - Inspired by Keith DeCandido, who's written a few short stories based in the world of his Dragon Precinct novel, I had an idea to write a story or two based in the "universe" of The Last World War. Not sure what the heck I'll do with this first one once I get it completed, as I've done no research into potential markets. Glancing back through the book over the weekend, I made a few notes about events discussed or referenced that occurred "off-camera" and which might make good fodder for a couple of stories (It's a global war, right?
). Right now the idea's nothing more than a page or so of notes, and stuff with deadlines is taking priority, but I've got a hankering to play in this world again, if only for a little bit, while the future of the second book hangs in limbo. More info as I work things out.
- Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book II - Proposal still being shopped to publishers. A couple of encouraging conversations, but nothing definitive, and certainly not anything I can share at this time. Keep 'dem fingahs crossed!
- Trek novel solo project - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Trek novel project with Kevin - Awaiting editor feedback on proposal.
- Tie-in project with Kevin - Polishing proposal with Kevin now. Hope to have it in the editor's hands within the week or so.
- Two articles for Star Trek Communicator magazine with Kevin - These are still on hold pending word on direction of the magazine.
- Non-fiction/non-genre article (or series of articles) for local/regional magazine or newspaper - Got some research done on it, but I still need a market. Might have found one...still need to write that query letter....