Sunday, September 24, 2006  

Seeing is believing.

Bucs Logo

I heard about it.

I read about it.

But I hadn't seen it, so I couldn't believe it.

Then the Jags/Colts game reached halftime, and they showed video of the event.

The Bucs scored a touchdown.

Their first of the still new football season.

I'd become convinced that I might first spot Bigfoot standing on the deck of the Flying Dutchman, cloaked in the shadow of a hovering UFO and surrounded by stockpiles of WMDs found in Iraq, before I saw the Bucs score a touchdown.

Will they win? Well, let's not get crazy or ahead of ourselves here. But it's a start.

I feel like those Royals fans who are happy that they might be able to say that their baseball team won't lose 100 games this year, or that it took until almost the end of August for them to be mathematically eliminated from post-season play, as opposed to most seasons when they're knocked out of contention five minutes after the first pitch on opening day.


I'm not going to say anything to this.


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